Please Universe… explain me

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🗣: Universe, why do you put me in the pangolin?
✨: This animal, Corona, is on the verge of extinction. Yet men continue to poach and eat it. This will be the first step of my lesson.

🗣: Ok Universe. Why do you want me to start in China?
✨: China is the symbol of globalization and mass production. This country is overpopulated, mass-producing and mass-polluting

🗣: It’s true Universe. But at the same time it is because other countries also have a financial interest, right?
✨: Yes, that’s why your mission will be to spread you all over the world, and mainly in all the countries affected by this system, in Europe, in the United States, in the oil-producing countries

🗣: what shape will you give me, Universe?
✨: That of a virus that will mainly infect the respiratory tract.

🗣: But why Universe?
✨ Baby, see … these days men are endangering the planet. Pollution has become too great, but humanity does not measure its extent. What could be more symbolic than breathing, you understand?

🗣: Yes, but does that mean I’ll be dangerous, Universe?
✨: You will not be more than many other small existing diseases and you will be much less than the pollution itself that generates thousands of deaths! But the difference is that you will be visible

🗣: Okay Universe. But do you think this thing will work, I don’t understand how?
✨: You are right baby. That’s why I will make you very contagious. You will spread quickly. The propagation speed will be much higher than your danger.

🗣: Ok but if I’m not so dangerous, do you think they’ll be afraid of me?
✨: Oh baby yes, trust me. This is what I count on to change the mentality: fear. Only when a man is afraid that afterwards can he change

🗣: Do you believe?
✨: Yes baby, and I will add a whole context to amplify fear and awareness.

🗣: What Universe?
✨: Fear will take over so much that people will be confined to their homes … you will see. The world will stand still. Schools will be closed, public places, people will no longer be able to go to work. Cruises, planes, means of transport will be empty.

🗣: Oh la la, Universe, you’re going far, but what do you expect from this?
✨: Let the world change baby! May Mother Earth be respected! Let people realize human stupidity, inconsistencies in lifestyle and take the time to think about all this. Let them stop running, let them find that they have a family, children and time to spend with them. That they can no longer resort to external hyperactivity because they will be closed. Reconnect to themselves, even their family, this is essential

🗣: Ok but it will be dangerous, the economy will collapse
✨: Yes baby, there will be great economic consequences. But you have to go there. By touching it, I hope the world becomes aware of its operational inconsistencies. People will have to go back to a minimalist lifestyle, they will have to go back to the local and I hope it will help.

🗣: How will I transmit myself?
✨: through human contact. If people kiss, they touch …

🗣: bizarre Universe I don’t follow you, do you want to recreate a connection but keep people away?
✨ Piccolo, look at how men work today. Do you think the union still exists? Go through the virtual and screens. Even when men go around, they no longer look at nature but at their phones. Aside from the kiss, there’s not much left of being connected, so I’ll cut what’s left of their connection and go overboard. Staying confined to their homes, it is likely that at first they will celebrate on the screens but after several days they will saturate, raise their eyes, discover they have a family, neighbors and open their windows just to look at nature

🗣: You’re a tough type, Universe. You could have warned before hitting so hard
✨: But Corona, before you I sent many other little babies, but it was too localized and not strong enough

🗣: Are you sure men will understand this time?
✨: I don’t know Corona … I hope. Mother Earth is in danger … if that is not enough, I will do everything to save her, there are other babies waiting. But I trust you Corona and then the effects will be felt quickly: you will see the pollution decrease and will make you think. Men are very intelligent, I also trust their awakening potential, their ability to create new possibilities, they will see that the pollution will have dropped in an exceptional way, that the risks of shortages are real due to the fact of having globalized too much, that real luxury is no longer the money but the time. It takes a small global exhaustion because humanity can no longer bear this system, but it’s too much in the gear to realize it … it’s up to you!

🗣: thank you Universe… I’ll go

Nana (Nathalie Sené) – L’Art d’être SOI


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